How Do I Get My Dog To Stop Being So Horny Without Newtering Him?

My dog gets very horny especially towards the night. Any idea how i can get him to stop with out having to newter him?

Answer: You have to modify his behavior. Get onto him so he knows that this is undesirable. Neutering will help, but my dog still humps sometimes and he’s been neutered for almost 3 years—-he’s 4 years old. I just tell him sharply “Teddy NO!” and he stops. You just have to teach him that it’s something you dont like.

How to Treat a Horny Cat?

My cat has bit me as some may heard now it is for somewhat reason jumping on any part of my body and humping away it is currently on my leg what should i do, and should i be worried about diseases? Sorry bout all the questions its a new cat and my sisters one was a real horny cat aswell and she has no idea what to do either..

Answer: Get him neutered…end of problem. A male cat will end up a bad cat if you don’t get it fixed. They will go around in your house and spray everything almost like a dog. And once that starts its hard to stop.